Homa Fire Ceremony by Swamini Ambikamrita Prana – Saturday, May 29th

Live Pujas and Ceremonies

Australia Eastern time: 11pm

Kerala time: 6:30pm

France time: 3pm

US East coast time: 9am

US West coast time: 6am

Duration: about three hours

As part of Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri’s upcoming retreat on May 29-30, there will be an auspicious homa, a sacred fire ceremony, performed by Swamini Ambikamrita Prana.  The program will begin with a short spiritual discourse by Swami Shantamritananada Puri, and Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya will lead group chanting and bhajans (devotional signing) during the ceremony.  

Homa, or Puja, is ceremonial worship of the Divine, performed to keep us in harmony with cosmic forces, thereby removing and overcoming the sorrows of life and bringing spiritual upliftment. By doing puja, thoughts and vibrations of spiritual forces are created around us. These spiritual forces work to eliminate the negative influences in our life and help surround us with positive energy which can bring us peace of mind, material prosperity and enable us to more clearly touch the Divine, our true nature.

Retreat registration is not required to attend the homa, you may, however, register for a sankalpa (special resolve) to be made during the homa on your behalf, or for a loved one. More info & Sankalpa registration: bit.ly/SwamijiMayRetreatHoma

The Homa will be open to all and free to attend – broadcast on the MA Center East Coast YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/MACenterEC