Community Laksharchana led by Swami Dayamritananda Puri – Sunday, September 5th


Australia eastern time: 2:30am (Monday)

Indian time: 10pm

France time: 6:30pm

US east coast time: 12:30pm

US west coast time: 9:30am

Inviting all to join this special community group Laksharchana (chanting of a mantra 100,000 times) dedicated for World Peace. Swamiji will be leading this Sunday’s Laksharchana.

‘Archana’ means chanting and glorifying the divine name. ‘Lak’ means 100,000. ‘Laksharchana’ is the practice of repeating the name of the divine in the form of a mantra as a group. The number of repetitions depends on the number of participants.

We will chant the Sri Lalita Sahasranama (1000 names of the Divine Mother) once, and end with the chanting of the peace mantra, ‘Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu’.

Join via Zoom:

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Passcode: 2662

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Passcode: 2662

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