Amrita Silent Retreats online : Mysteries of the Inner-World with Swami Purnamritananda Puri – May 5th to 7th

Swamis and Swaminis Live Satsangs

Guided Meditation – Talks – O&A
Flute Meditation – Bhajans – Yoga
Live Zoom call with Swami

Videos Available for 14 Days

Ordinary sight, entangled in a maze of worldliness, perceives the world as a mass of fragmented, fractured, disconnected images.

At a certain point in our evolution, though, we begin to turn our gaze within. It requires insight to successfully undertake this journey and to perceive the mysteries of the inner world, of which the outer world is a mere shadow.

Sadly, most humans miss the inner principles at play in life and grapple instead with the outer illusions. Ultimately, most fail to comprehend the nature of existence and the meaning of life.

However, the spiritually elevated one is awake to these inner mysteries, and seeks to explore the inner possibilities, driven forward by the grand vision waiting to unfold within. One day such a seeker is handpicked by a spiritual Master, a Sadguru, who restores the primal experience of eternal being.

There the earthly quest concludes. Until this Grace descends, we must keep moving forward… for that is the divine design of human destiny!

Please join us as we explore facets of this great inner quest together.